Odds and a Few Ends #1

I have a whole bunch of various links and things to share with you that have been collecting in my Evernote ‘blog’ notebook, so I’ll be adding a few in every day (or every time I post a blog) until I get the lot cleared.  Most have been from my RSS feeds.

I noticed that I managed to put in two of my favourite LOL Cats twice in the ‘Interesting Links’ section over the course of a few weeks.  And silly enough, one of them was about spotting the kitten with ADD.  That’d be me. She of very poor memory and attention span. 🙂

Life is good. I’m feeling a little better and getting on with stuff. I survived the 8 (or was it 9?) day heatwave. November heatwaves are RARE. Normally the spring weather is just lovely – not too hot or too cold. Still, I got through all of it without any rashes on my face from sweat and eczema, and I also had a lot less sinus/allergy issues so I did well. I actually coped with the heat better than Rod did. However, when we had the one 43c (110f) day on Thursday it stayed hot way past sundown and Friday I was useless. That one day really did knock the wind right out of my sails.  Much better on that front today though.

Anyway, the good stuff is down below in the ‘Interesting Links’ section (Added on 07 Oct 2016 – Sorry, no idea where the ‘Interesting Links section disappeared to when I moved my blog).

Enjoy the Day!

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