These photos are 2020 my Photo a Day selections. I try to take photos on most days, even if it’s just what I made for dinner. Hover your pointer or finger over the photo for the description. If it’s too long, you can click on the photo and it will give the full size image and full description. Enjoy!

17May20 I woke up this morning
I woke up this morning with my body doing weird things like retaining water - it’s never done that before, so I didn’t even know what I experiencing until I described it to my daughter. So I had a few cups of tea (for it’s diuretic qualities) along with some ginger my neighbour gave me. It’s helped a bit. We think it’s from the new medication I’m on. I’m not surprised it has some nasty side effects. Otherwise it’d be too good to be true. But still, I wasn’t expecting my clothes - the same I wore yesterday - to suddenly almost not fit. Geez. #2020pad #Lyrica #teawithgingerandhoney

14May20 Crunchy Mac & Cheese ‘pies’.
Yes, I bought a pie maker. So far I’ve made homemade chicken pot pies and this. I always loved my Mom’s homemade mac and cheese baked in the oven with all the crunchy bits on top and on the sides. This was just a box of the stuff, some pepper and a sprinkle of cheese on the top. So far 15 minutes seems the best cooking time in the maker and then let the pan cool for a few minutes before sliding the ‘pies’ out. #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #piemaker #macandcheese ?

3May20 Neurmal was only half asleep…
how could I tell? She was purring. She’s still the weirdest little sweetheart in this household, even if she does boss me around the kitchen about her food, and tell me my technique is all wrong in the gym. And she loves attacking Noble. But then she’s all sweet and purring, licking instead of biting. Sigh. She’s not so little anymore either. #2020pad #catsofinstagram #tooadorable

08May20 Fish on Friday, but my way.
I know a lot of people have Fish ’n Chips on Friday but I was in the mood for something different. This is smoked salmon (just a single serving can) mixed with 50g of smoked trout from the freezer, some mayo, onion, capsicum (red bell pepper) and dill mixed up and served on toasted bagel halves. It was good. It needed a bit of something to pick up all the flavours though. Like maybe lemon. #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #smokedsalmon #smokedsalmonbagel #smokedtrout #bagel

07May20 Being kind to myself.
A small scoop of Triple Chocolate Brownie ice cream in a wafer cup that came coated in dark chocolate. YUM. The part that amazes me is that this (and any time I’ve had this brand of ice cream) my glucose doesn’t go high. It’s a miracle! Or something. Thanks to @urbanbrewpods for the wafer cup! #2020pad #urbanbrewpods #ubmoments #chocolate #brownie #icecream #selfcare #selflove

06May20 Today I got a new thing
added to my power box. The grey thing in the corner is a ‘smart meter’. It comes as part of my Tesla Powerwall battery system. According to the info I’ve read, I should be able to check my power usage and see within a half hour range of the current time so that would be really useful for deciding if I turn the heater on or up, or off even. Same with the A/C in the summertime. Only thing is, I still haven’t seen any data from the website yet. Grr! #2020pad #teslapowerwall #power #electricity #electricmeter

2020-05-03 15.31.11
for towels and other things. I generally just use a bit of sensitive laundry detergent, and instead of softener I use white vinegar. It’s a LOT cheaper and does the job. My clothes always just smell clean. #2020pad #covid19prevention #naturalantibacterial

29April20 Moss. It’s actually everywhere
here but this particular spot is where, many years ago when my husband was in his teens and early 20’s, he had a van. He left it parked here after he bought his motorcycle. When he noticed moss growing on the van, he decided it was time to get rid of it as he wasn’t using it. The van is long gone, but moss, well, it just keeps growing. Even parts of my car has a few spots. #2020pad #moss

25Apr20 I got up just before dawn
and paid my respects to the young men who risked so much on behalf of their country so far from home. One of my neighbours had her radio with a ceremony taking place. I opted to listen to hers from my drive and then played a recording of the Last Post my husband had recorded while listening to the Remembrance service only a few days before he passed away. When I turned around to head into the house, I was met with this colourful sunrise. ##2020pad #anzacday2020 #anzacathome #lightthedawn #standto #anzacspirit2020

19Apr20 Well this was not only EASY
but also simply delicious. I had half a box of mac and cheese for my lunch. This is a combination of the other half and this week’s prawn rations. The only addition was a generous sprinkling of Old Bay Seasoning that I brought home from the States last year. #2020pad #sundayprawns #oldbayseasoning #macandcheese #prawns

19Apr20 Really Neurmal,
you’re not going to miss anything. Wouldn’t you be more comfortable curling up into a ball? Love this ‘little’ girl. #catsofinstagram #sleepykitty #latergram

14Apr20 This turned out really tasty.
Ramen soup with mushrooms, prawns and hard boiled egg. Usually prawns are a Sunday thing, but since I made a Turkey roast on Easter Sunday, the prawns had to wait in the freezer. #2020pad #sundayprawnsontuesday # #cookingforone #cooking #latergram

26Apr20 Neurmal checks out her new
bed in the gym. Finally! I have my Gym advisor back on the job! #catsofinstagram #homegymlife #2020pad #latergram

05Apr20 Saying G’night to my family overseas
at around 1am. Those jammies are so comfortable I ended up wearing them for a good share of the day and hardly getting anything done. I enjoyed the heck out of every ‘lazy minute’ too!! My face and head are finally starting to heal up from a recent bout of eczema. I hate allergies. #2020pad #bedtimeselfie #gnight #jammies #jammiesallday #eczema

04Apr20 In which case, I’m lucky everyday
really. My order from @urbanbrewpods arrived on Friday. Unfortunately there’s a couple missing boxes from my order but I have every confidence they’ll make it right once they get my Email tomorrow. These guys really rock and I love their product and promotions. #ubmoment #urbanbrewpods #coffeetime

03Apr20 These are the extras
I ordered with my wine that arrived this week. Jack Daniel’s Fire, Marie Brizard Cherry Liqueur, and Old Virgina Smooth Honey. The Cherry is to go into dark chocolate hollow easter eggs if I find any. I tried the Fire … it’s nice and very warming. It’s a bit like cinnamon Red Hots but for grown ups. NICE. #selfisolating #indulgence #coronavid19 #coronavirus

02Apr20 One delivery. Party for one.
I was getting low on wine and just in case the government decides it’s not essential I thought I’d make sure to have enough to last a few months. I also recently finished my honey bourbon so I thought I’d see what other flavours I could find. #2020pad #notessentialbutnice #wine #spirits #danmurphys #delivery

01Apr20 Still trying to eat healthy
even in self-isolation. Air-fried pork steak, steamed veggies and pierogies with onions. #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #airfry

31Mar20 It was gym day, but
my gym advisor was snoozing. The gym manager took on the job but decided to isolate himself from me just in case I had kitty cooties. I spent about half an hour on the rower and loved every minute of it. #2020pad #rowing #catsofinstagram #homegymlife #darkhorserowing #kittycooties #selfisolating #coronavid19

28Mar20 Putting baking paper in the
bottom of the airfryer was a brilliant idea. Clean up is so much easier - No more grease to deal with as it can be removed in one lot and often the pan underneath is still clean. Why didn’t I think of this a year ago?? #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #airfryer #timesaver #easycleanup

27Mar20 Neurmal watches
for her buddy Noble… or she’s sleeping. A bit hard to tell! #2020pad #catsofinstagram

24Mar20 Most of the weeds
have been removed from the rose-bed. Next will be to give it a good raking and trim back the growth on the rose bushes. #2020pad #findingmygarden #roses #rosebushes #weeding #gnomesofinstagram

23Mar20 I took a photo of my home gym
to share with my #darkhorserowing crew. For anyone interested in the Adelaide area, I have a nearly new 1yr old rower for sale (view my older pics to see what it looks like). Feel free to contact me if interested. It’s great for while everyone’s self-isolating. #2020pad #iamadarkhorse #rowing #homegymlife #selfisolation

03Apr20 My pink seat pad
for my Concept 2 rower finally arrived. It’s much more comfortable! The yellow ‘smurf hat’ is a phone holder. It’s pretty cool because it’s silicone and designed so the side buttons don’t get pushed in. I named my rower, in honour of my Scandinavian heritage “Ulfarr the Tireless’. Long may we row! (Clinks a mug of beer in the air) #2020pad #concept2rower #darkhorserowing #rower #lovemyrower #homegymlife

21Apr20 Sitting in my car,
keeping an appointment to have a Corvid19 test. The parking lot was the waiting room, techs came out in full suited PPE to get details, hand out a mask and take you into one the temporary rooms set up for it. The testing included the current flu’s as well as coronavirus. A phone call the next day confirmed I didn’t have any of the above. #cf20 #lockdown #2020pad #facemask #testing #coronavirus #latergram

08Apr20 Never in a million years
would I have thought I’d find Graham Crackers at an ethnic grocery store! These are slightly smaller than the ones found in America but lovely none the less. They brought me a bright spot of hope that I’ll have a good supply of them from now on. Love these! #cf20 #2020pad #hope #grahamcrackers #latergram

My two “co-workers” were being a very bad influence on me today. I would have liked to have stayed longer, but I needed to do other things today so had to get up.

20Mar20 Why yes, I DO have a Tesla.
No, not the car (I wish!) but a brand new Powerwall battery. So now I can store power from my solar panels and use it when needed - like power outages or at night. I love the app for it too. This is something we wanted when the solar panels were put in but was way too expensive. When I heard about the plan where the state paid for about half the cost, I jumped at the opportunity. This will be the last of my home improvements for awhile, but it’s a good solid investment I think.

I knew the price of petrol had gone down but wasn’t expecting 99.9 a litre. I haven’t seen that price in years. And yes, you better believe I filled up.

That was fun and I may go for longer next time, if it’s not too late in my day like today was. I rowed while @shanefarmer did his live bike time today. I was several hours late, but the video still helped make my home gym feel a bit more friendly. Here’s my results, and you’ll have to excuse my camera angle - I wanted to share how much I enjoyed the video!

Shaun and I spent the afternoon together and ended up having ice-cream at the beach and running into his neighbour. It was a great day and all because I needed someone to take me to an eye appointment in case they decided to use drops.

Chicken, spinach and ricotta filo parcel with high fibre @vettapasta spirals, mushrooms and green onions.

I installed this on my own, and aside from a small leak in the connector that I fixed the next day, it went very smoothly. This bidet was bought before all the hoopla about toilet paper, but I hadn’t had time to install it. This particular brand worked so much better than the cheap one I bought on ebay too.

07Mar20 Leftovers and leftovers.
The chicken wings and onion rings were from New York Bar & Grill where we had our Lunch Group this month. Erik and Anne graciously handed me their leftovers of buffalo wings and onion rings knowing how much I like them, and the salad and chips were from the night before. OK, not the healthiest meal, but at least I didn’t have to cook!

I had a dinner date with a friend and we amused ourselves with his miniature crossbow that shoots toothpicks.

Another sign of the times, but this time at Woolies. It’s obvious the one brand left is not the favourite!

My first programmed workout on my new rowing machine, and this is the PM5 monitor I ordered that arrived today. I installed it myself with no problems at all. I’m trying to find the right damper setting for various purposes (long rows, short rows, etc. The first 6 minutes was at damper 10 and I was meant to hit 16 for my strokes per minute but got close with a 17 average. The 5 minute set was at damper 8 with a stroke setting of 20, which I matched for the entire 5 minutes. I’m so damn happy to finally be hitting the correct stroke rate!!

02Mar20 Noble enjoys a special treat - which I always give when it’s the day for kitty meds. They’ve learned not to mind when I put the dose on the back of their necks because they have yummy food in front of them to distract them.

Sunday Dinner
01Mar20 Vetta high fibre spaghetti with sautéed prawns and lots of spinach, topped with fresh parmesan. I was using up some frozen spinach, but I think I got a little carried away with it. It was still really yummy.

I found a used Concept 2 Model D Rower for sale locally at an excellent price, but it was a fair distance away. The seller offered to deliver it, and brought it the same day. This thing is in immaculate condition and truly is the ‘Lamborghini’ of rowers. I’m loving it! My old one is for sale if you’re local to me and interested!

Cooking for one tip
27Feb20 When cooking for just one person, a lot of times there are sauces, soups, etc that you really only need a small portion. Rather than wasting leftover sauces you can store them in a freezer proof container, label them and toss them in the freezer for another recipe another day.

26Feb20 This cutie belongs to my neighbours. They helped me with some honey-do items I needed help with and I came over to take photos of a future repair to my gutter that causes them flooding issues.

Pancake Tuesday
25Feb20 Since it was Pancake Tuesday and I had a new mini waffle maker to try out, I tried my hand at making cinnamon roll chaffles. The dark colour is from some really excellent imported cinnamon that a friend gave me. And of course, what’s a waffle without some bacon?

This isn’t at all what I thought it was. I thought it was a couple of ugly black spiders. When I swept the thing, it turned out to be one mama beetle of some kind and about a hundred little tiny baby beetles. I put the broom down, got out the ‘one shot’ and sprayed the whole area because the beetles dispersed everywhere. I haven’t seen any since which is good. But… gross!

Cute little guy
25Feb20 While shopping at Aldi I found this cute guy and took a photo because I thought he was cute. It’s only him. He was there all on his own. There’s more to this story but … later. And, for Challenge Friday, he just happens to have a lot of seams!

21Feb20 I haven’t been feeling great
and I try to keep drinks with sodium on hand as I have an issue keeping sodium in my body. I’d been ordering sugar free Powerade online but I feel bad making the delivery lady work so hard. It’s cheaper online, but the drinks above actually have more sodium than electrolyte replacements like Powerade and when on sale are a lot cheaper too. Anyway, I picked up a few. These cartons are at least easy to carry in. #2020pad #siahd #sodiumissues

19Feb20 How COULD you???
I was making my bed and moved HER bed out of the way into the hallway. When I went to put her little bed back, I was greeted with this view. After laughing (couldn’t help myself), I gave her a cuddle and moved her bed. She then ignored it and came into the office with me and climbed into her other bed. I really should get one for the gym so she’ll come be my gym advisor again. #2020pad #catsofinstagram

18Feb20 After months of either not being able to tolerate
certain meds for various reasons, doing my best to eat the right things and exercise, my doctor decided to try me on a once a week injection pen named Bydureon. Years ago when I had gestational diabetes I had to inject insulin twice a day and this is done in a similar way just with a pen. I had my first dose Tuesday night and don’t expect to see a huge change in my glucose readings right away as these meds take time to work. But my morning readings have been better already which is a surprise. My stomach has been a little sore but nothing out of the ordinary as far as side effects go. We’ll see how I go with it. #2020pad #type2diabetes #t2diabetes #diatribe

17Feb20 A couple of weeks ago I first heard of a thing
called ‘chaffles’ which are made with egg and cheese in the waffle maker and have very few carbs but lots of protein. So I got a waffle maker and these two are my first attempts. The lighter on was set on medium as per the maker’s instructions. The darker one I preferred and it made for a great “bread” for a cheese sandwich. The problem was the mozzarella had way more fat content and it made quite a mess to clean up. So this week I’ll be trying a different blend of cheese. These can be made savory (like for a pizza base or bread substitute or sweet, like for something after dinner. I had the lighter one as a waffle with sugar free maple syrup and it was amazing! Thanks go to @thehangrywoman for turning me on to these. I’m bound to have lots of fun with chaffles in the coming weeks and months! #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #chaffles #learningnewthings

Wine can sometimes help provide a filter on how one views the world. #cf20 #filter #2020pad #wine

15 Feb Real American Buffalo Wings
made in the airfryer. This is going to be so good. #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #buffalowings

Feb 12 of 12
8 if 12 - I did some more weeding of the rosebed and found a well camouflaged bird's nest hidden in one of the rose bushes.

10Feb20 I’ve been weeding…
When I came home from my USA holiday the weeds were choking this area and several other corners of the yard. I had someone from a lawn mowing agency come mow and he sprayed the weeds but when he returned a few weeks later, ONLY mowed the grass. So, first I’m not having that agency back again. Second, it may take awhile but I can do this, and once done I’ll probably have to start all over again. But it’ll look better and that will make me FEEL better about it. That said, if anyone local wants to lend a hand, I would really appreciate it with beer, wine, a meal… #2020pad #didsomegardening #weeding #tryingtobeagrownup #cf20 #clutter

09Feb20 My pharmacy rocks.
I picked up my med packs on Friday but then the car wouldn’t start and I ended up leaving it with the repairers along with my meds in the boot of the car. The repair place is closed for the weekend and I’ll get my car back on Monday. Problem is, I’m going to be needing meds for tonight and tomorrow morning. When I explained the problem to my pharmacy they made up two days worth for me ‘just in case’ and did NOT charge me a cent for it. WOW. #2020pad #kindness #helpfulpeople #neededmeds

08Feb20 While waiting between having an injection and getting a bone scan, I went to the local mall to pick up a small and simple rice cooker. I gave it a try with brown rice and to liven things up added sautéed onion and garlic to it along with half a tablespoon of Turmeric and some Lemon Pepper seasoning. It turned out absolutely perfect. #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #brownrice #tumeric #ricecooker

07Feb20 I had lots of ups and downs today.
One of the downs was my car decided to not start. One of the ups was the free loan of this car for the weekend from Ultra Car Care Reynella. It’s put my thoughts towards a newer smaller car than mine. I love my bronze dragon Ford Falcon Futura but it is getting on in years and the last 2yrs it hasn’t really been taken care of as well as it could have been. Newer cars are zippier, smaller ones are easier to park and … less petrol. Hmm. #2020pad #loanercar #newercardreams

06Feb20 A good morning laugh.
I get my coffee via subscription from @urbanbrewpods these days and was restocking my pod container near the coffee maker. I’d never noticed this little touch the boxes before. #2020pad #ubmoments #urbanbrewpods #morninggiggle

05Feb20 Noble was being a bit of a sook all day.
He’s not usually cuddly towards me, but today he just wanted loving and lots of it. So much so I even let him hang out snuggled up to me on the doona. #2020pad #catsofinstagram #kittysnuggles

03Feb20 Monday night dinner.
Steak (done in the air fryer), mushrooms, wild rice blend and lots of veggies. #2020pad #cooking #cookingforone

03Feb20 The lorikeets have arrived
and within the span of the day have probably eaten all the pears they could reach in my tree. #2020pad #lorikeet #lorikeetsofinstagram #peartree #iwantedsometoo

27Jan20 I was taking a photo of Neurmal
looking so Zen while sleeping when Noble rolled over, looked at her and gave her a slow paw-smack. These two have become like siblings over time, but spend more time chasing each other and being mean to each other than the lovey dovey stuff. They still agree they like me though, so I put up with their shenanigans . #2020pad #catsofinstagram #catsiblings

31Jan20 For as long as I’ve lived
(26+ years), there’s always been condensation from the air conditioner coming down into the patio. Since I had the new AC installed, on a muggy day like today - it still comes down. Enough to fill my bucket and overload it. After calling the company that installed it, they called someone out and after a lot of investigation found that the hose for my (non-evaporative) AC unit was not connected. The hose that carries the condensation to the gutters. He plugged it in, all fixed, and NO CHARGE! But that means that for the OLD AC it was unplugged from there the whole (?) time and no one questioned it or looked into it. Glares into the past and wonders how we got this far… #2020pad #fixingstuff #homemaintenance #allthebucketsempied #smh

30Jan20 I cleaned this area
next to my printer and found a little 1TB hard drive (not shown) that I could use for backups of Macbook. Many dustbunnies were harmed in the cleaning of this small area!! #2020pad #cleaning #findingstuff

28Jan20 I found a package of
plain chicken tenders in the freezer and looked around for recipes online for a way to make these without breading. I found a recipe for a rub that I tried (the darker pieces on the right side) and then tried adding nutritional yeast flakes to the mix to tone it down a little bit (the lighter pieces. I liked my version better. I ended up freezing 2 packages of 3 pieces each for future lunches or dinners. #2020pad #cookingforone #cooking #nakedchickentenders #noextracarbs

28Jan20 I had a really busy day
that had extra stuff to deal with land in my lap so instead of the dinner I’d planned on, I had a frozen pizza instead. Remarkably, my glucose didn't object to it, and it was pretty tasty too. I added sliced mushrooms to it because that’s my favourite type of pizza - pepperoni and mushrooms. Also, the Challenge Friday word this week is square. Pizza is round but comes in a square box. #2020pad #cf20 #square #food #pizza

26Jan20 I needed to use a specific
piece of software that Mac Catalina wasn’t letting me use. So I downgraded my laptop to Mohave to use it from there. It was time consuming, but it worked. #2020pad #doingitmyownway #thisishowispentmyholiday

24Jan20 Challenge Friday Photo.
You want a pattern? Which one, the floor, the cat bed, the pillows, the hand made blankets? Or maybe my jumper (sweater) precariously on the arm of the chair. Lots to choose from! If you see one I didn’t mention, feel free to comment and let me know. #cf20 #pattern #2020pad #catsofinstagram #office #patterns #patternseverywhere

23Jan20 Challenge Friday photo.
I was given a desk organiser set for Christmas that has a great gold and white pattern on it. It went on my desk today, finally! #cf20 #pattern #2020pad #deskorganiser

22Jan20 I don’t often panic,
but this had me in true panicked state for about half an hour before I gathered my wits and started some real problem solving. This is the monitor to the solar panel system. It said there was no power coming from the panels. None. Zip. I looked for the manual and couldn’t find it. We’ve had the panels installed since 2016 and never ran into a problem in all that time. After finding the name of the installation company, I called them and they were able to calm me down and helped get it reporting again. The panels were fine. The box in the photo needed rebooting. #2020pad #panicking #solarpanels #solarenergy #fixed

21Jan20 Mid afternoon snack.
For the last several months my glucose has been really high and it’s coming down VERY slowly while I wait to see some specialists. Meanwhile, my body thought a 7.5 was a low and sent me diving to check my blood and grab a snack. I opted for something high in fibre (Sesame crisps) and a bit of blue cheese. This is half a serve. #2020pad #t2diabetes #t2diabeteswarrior #snack

19Jan20 My daughter was saying how much she liked a particular Chilli sauce
/ paste and mentioned it by name. I told her I didn’t know the brand of mine because it’s in Chinese. Well it turned out we both the like same brand. Even though we’re thousands of miles apart. I love when that happens! I took this pic to show her my favourite. For the record, the brand is Lao Gan Ma. Mine is Chili Oil with Black Beans. Hers was Spicy Chili Crisp. She’s been adding it to everything! #2020pad #cooking #laoganma #chilioil #goodtasterunsinthefamily

18Jan20 Yes! My roof is finished!
The yellow is masking for the gutters and was removed the next day along with the protective cover over the solar panels. I love how the end caps look and how nice it looks overall. More importantly, many cracked tiles were replaced and the coatings protect against sun damage and should help keep the house cooler. #roofrestoration #homeimprovement #homemaintenance #2020pad

17Jan20 Earlier in the week I ordered myself a ‘rollator’ or walker
The one we bought for Rod will be put up for sale as I had issues getting it into the car for him. This one folds opposite of older ones (like Rod’s) which makes it a lot easier to get in and out of cars. This is a ‘short’ version for short people! Plus it’s purple! I hope to use this for walks around the block, to and from the shops up the road, going for beach walks and anything where I need to walk more than I would with the cane. In the photo, the wheels were still covered in plastic, and it’s folded up. YES it even stays upright when folded. This was one well thought out design. #2020pad #walker #purple #purplewalker #rollator

16Jan20 There’s been some progress on roof restoration
At this point he still needed to replace some tiles, clean and then do all the coatings. #2020pad #roofrestoration #homeimprovement #homemaintenance

13Jan20 Was doing my exercise today
(Strength & Balance training). The stepper, for me, is a combination of both strength and balance. Currently my lounge room / gym has a few remnants from my office makeover, including the box of books in the chair. But stepping up and seeing the “This way up” sticker just gave me the giggles. #strengthtraining #2020pad #homegymlife #thiswayup #stepper #quadkiller #gettingfit

01Jan20 Special New Years dinner for one
All my favourite food (of the main meal variety) in one bowl. Prawns, smoked salmon, and high fibre pasta topped with some Parmesan cheese and a dash of chopped green onions. #newyeardinner #cookingforone #cooking #2020pad...

04Jan20 Lunch Group at the Vic
04Jan20 First Lunch Group Meeting of the year was as at the Vic (@victoriahotelsa ). Erik used his super cool wheelchair and got an Access Cab to get there.

12 Jan 2020 Christies Beach, Sth Australia
It was a beautiful evening. #sundaybeachwalk #beach #sunset #christiesbeach

11Jan20 I went to the city today
to hang out in a pub with some friends over lunch and a few drinks. I forgot to take photos while there. DARN! But waiting for the bus I saw this ad. Can’t wait to see it! I love Shaun the Sheep! Any Adelaide people want to come see it with me? #2020pad #inthecity #igotoutofthehousetoday #busstop #shaunthesheep #farmageddon

10Jan20 My ramen soup
After steaming my fish with Nori in the bamboo steamer (see previous photo), I put the fish and nori into the pot with steaming water, turned up the heat and added vegetable stock powder, seasonings such as garlic, ginger, salt, pepper, sesame oil, a pinch of soy sauce, sesame oil and sriracha followed with chopped up veggies (frozen Asian vegetables and small bits of fresh cauliflower). Because I really like them I tossed in 3 prawn hargow (dumplings). When the veggies and hargow were cooked I tossed a packet of ramen noodles in and waited a few minutes before declaring my soup as finished. How can something so easy turn out tasting so nice?? Try it sometime with your protein of choice. (Steamed or otherwise). Rod’s rule was ‘Fish & Chips on Fridays’. Well I’m still having fish & chips, but every other Friday I’m making this. And it’s probably going to be different every time I make it.
#cookingforone #cooking #hokifish #nori #steamedhoki #ramensoup #ramensoupforthesoul #2020pad #ramen #veggies #hargow #prawnhargow #soup #delicious

09Jan20 Some of my meals aren’t that special or fancy
This one was filling and not totally unhealthy. Lots of cucumber (actually more than pictured because I went back for more). Two chicken burgers with burger sauce on them, and steamed fresh cauliflower in an olive spread container (it still had spread in it that I thought would be nice with it and it worked a treat. I sprinkled dry ranch dressing powder I bought in the states on it (less than a teaspoon) for a bit of oomph. #cookingforone #cooking #2020pad #cucumber #chickenburgers #cauliflower

08Jan20 What’s better than one bridge Two!
This week’s Challenge Friday word is ‘bridge’. The piece that goes over the nose is known as the bridge. The purple pair in front are my everyday glasses and the smaller pair are my computer glasses. “I just love switching between the two pair,” said no one, ever. #cf20 #bridge #2020pad #glasses #computerglasses #progressiveglasses #multifocallenses

07Jan20 I’ve never seen my gym advisor stick her tongue out at me before
(and I didn’t realise at the time). It was a rest day. Maybe she wanted me to do something more exciting, like say row or lift weights? Or she’s taunting me! #rowing #darkhorserowing #homegymlife #catsofinstagram #keepmoving #restdaysareimportanttoo #2020pad

06Jan20 Ahh, so nice to have the tree down and
my office back to ‘normal mode’ again. Both cats got beds for Christmas but Noble doesn’t like new things so Neurmal has been enjoying both. This one is in the office and the other on is on my bed. #catsofinstagram #2020pad

03Jan20 It’s a bit hazy.
Smoke from the Kangaroo Island fire sometimes finds it way here when the wind blows it in. Normally you can see buildings in the far distance. Of more concern to me and my neighbours are the dry weeds in the paddock. We’ve all contacted the council individually about it. #firefuel #australia #tinderbox #reynella #southaustralia #onkaparingacouncil #2020pad
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