Featured Image: View from my front door
The view from my front door

Welcome to ‘Gaelyne’s Sanctuary’. If you’ve visited in the past (welcome back!) you probably noticed I’ve given my site a new name and look. I’ve spent several months working on this revamp – mostly trying to find the time to work on it. I chose the name ‘sanctuary’ because I found working on it has given me a sense of peace while the rest of my world seems to be falling apart. My husband was fighting lung cancer, so life was a little crazy then. It’s a place where I can come and make one small corner of the world a little brighter.

I have a variety of interests but they boil down to cooking, writing, taking photos and playing Bingo on Facebook. I hope you enjoy your visit and feel free to talk to me in comments or on the contact page.

What's in my Sanctuary?

My Blog

I had a few off-site blogs before deciding to have a blog on my own site. I don't blog very often, but when I have something I want to share, I'll write about it. The topics range from general, fitness, cancer, diabetes, vaping and maybe a rant here and there.


I love cooking, sharing recipes and enjoying myself in the kitchen. Most are recipes I wanted to share with my kids or have available so I wouldn't lose them. I don't do fancy stuff, but I like challenging myself with learning to cook something I've never made before.


I enjoy taking photos with my camera and have a few projects I do such as Photo of the Day, and 12 of 12 days and a group on Flickr and Facebook called Challenge Friday. If I happen to cook something I'm pleased with, I'll often take a photo of it for my pic of the day. Mostly the photos I take are snapshots of my life, which is pretty mundane, I think. But my world is different from what my family in the USA experiences so sharing seems a nice thing to do.

Affiliate Links

Want to see some of the cool gadgets I use, or buy something that I've shown in my photos or videos? This page will give you all the links to things I've used myself and found worthy of sharing. Affiliate links earn me a little bit of money which helps me to continue hobbies like doing videos and taking photos, but it doesn't cost you anything extra when you buy from one of my links.

What's New?

Random Instagram Pics

My Facebook Fitness Page

11Feb23 Lunch Group at the Mt Compass Hotel.  This was the Fish Platter and I couldn't finish it.  I took what was left home and had it for my dinner.  It was really good.  I even took Per's salt & pepper calamari home too!  We plan to return as everything was lovely - the food AND the service.  @MtCompassHotel #2023pad #lunchgroup #lunch #MtCompass #mtcompasstavern #fishplatter
10Feb23 My Pink Tigger!  The pink is from my nightlight, which makes everything pink when it's bright when I first come to bed and it slowly fades to very dim through the night.  But isn't GaliLEO so cute stretched out and about as conked out as you can get?  #2023pad #catsofinstagram #pinkcat #sleepingcatsofinstagram
9Feb23  I thought I had possibly broke my arm, so got a ride to the hospital to get it x-rayed.  It wasn't broke (phew!), but it was badly sprained.  The day before I had, for 10 full minutes, stood at my boxing bag and beat the heck out of it.  That didn't help - so I had muscle soreness from that, but then I was carrying a water reservoir from my dryer and bumped into a wall, wobbled or otherwise was carrying it awkwardly, and that's when it started really hurting.  The dryer is self contained (no vents), so I have to drain the water that it removed from the clothes, when I'm done washing for the week.  #arm #fracture #hospital #sprain #2023pad #dryer #wobble
07Feb23 GaliLEO has a few 'Atomic Habits'. One of them is sleeping anywhere, and the other is stretching out and being comfy on his back, showing off his beautiful tiger belly! #catsofinstagram #cathabits  #catbelly #atomichabits
05Feb23  Both Neurmal (on the left) and GaliLEO (on the right) on my bed at the same time.  It didn't last long, but it's progress.  I've had GaliLEO now for about a month at the time I took the photo, and the two cats are still learning to share their world with each other. Not the best of friends, or photos for that matter, but it's my photo of the day #catsofinstagram #2023pad #catsnotfighting
04Feb23  The sunset was beautiful, but I loved the view of the rays of sun through the trees.  Some days it's the simple things.  #2023pad #latergram #sunset #trees
04Feb23 Funeral for a friend.  My friend planned his funeral, in terms of who would speak, and asked his favourite local Jazz band to play.  It didn't make saying goodbye any easier, but as funerals go, it was beautiful and very well thought out.
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