Yes, another blog entry. And yes, I overused the word yes a lot.

If yesterday was a red letter day, today was … eh. I don’t normally have eh days, but maybe I did too much yesterday and it caught up with me.

Of course, the way my day started could have been better. My sleep pattern is that I sleep for 2-4 hours, wake up, have breakfast, take my meds and go back to bed again and the second set of sleep is generally much better than the first. This was the 2nd day in a row where that second set of sleep wasn’t all it could have been. Yesterday it was because of a wake up alarm I kept ignoring and today, well, I can blame it on the cat.

Yes, I blame it on the cat. I came out on the patio with my cuppa tea and the cat came out with me (usually he’s already out, but last night he was in). He was in the mood to hunt, and unfortunately he caught a bird. Ugh! But – I saved that bird. He’s lived to see at least another day and fortunately aside from being stunned and upset, he wasn’t harmed physically. But chasing a cat and bird around at 5am yelling obscenities and hoping I’m not waking the neighbours is so not conductive to going back to sleep. It didn’t help me at all that I was then totally grumpy at the cat (for good reason, but nonetheless) and stayed in that mood even after I got up later.

I also found myself grumpy about doing laundry. Last week I put it off till after I had the cortisone shots, and then it was hot out and I wasn’t up to it, and well, it needed doing. I had started it last night so it wasn’t like I could opt out today even though I was significantly sorer today than I was the last couple of days (probably from being out yesterday and having another 5000 step day). We don’t have a dryer (nor would I want one really), so laundry means hanging stuff up on the Hills hoist. For the most part, I’ve got this down to a fine science using clothes hangers as I’ve found if I hang clothes to dry on hangers, it’s easier for me to do and generally they don’t need ironing and there’s much less folding needed. My grump today was that standing to do these things was painful and so I did a bit at a time, which was good/wise. However, my internal dialogue was having a field day berating me for being such a wimp and spending more time on Twitter and less time doing other stuff. It’s that dialogue that really didn’t help matters. Once I got the job done, that internal dialogue didn’t seem to have as much steam, which was good.

Then later this evening I found myself being down again for no apparent reason other than thinking of Rod’s Mum who passed away 3yrs ago yesterday. I still miss her heaps.

This evening I’ve been listening to Pink’s Funhouse CD and enjoying it heaps. I’m in a better frame of mind and am sort of now wondering if my moodiness isn’t somewhat from the cortisone shots last week. I know I had a day of mood swings with the shot I had for my hip, so maybe this was my day for it this time around. Whatever it was, it seems to have lifted now and I’m closer to my usual self.

The last few nights, as I’ve mentioned I haven’t had the best of sleep and some of that is from pain and the other is from seasonal allergies. So tonight I am doing everything I can to make sure that I start preparing for bed early, take all the allergy meds, wind down with a cup of chamomile tea and a game or six of Jewel Quest on my phone and then (and here’s the really important part – GO TO BED).  A full night’s sleep will do me a world of good. So that’s my next step for tonight.

Yes, I realise this is the 3rd blog in a row and it’s unusual. I’ve been doing really well with having a to-do list as well as the 25 minute ‘DoStuff’ timer I’ve been using. It just happens that this was the next thing on the list that could be done at this time, so I went ahead and did it. Yes I know there’s this thing called ‘NaBloPoMo‘ (National Blog Posting Month), but I’m not actually participating in that – at least not intentionally! 🙂

Anyway, time to edit this and then off to wind down so I can get a good night’s sleep. G’night Y’all.


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