Today is D-blog Day 2009

I had great plans to think of a suitable Diabetes related topic to cover for D-Blog day, but unfortunately the day crept up too quickly for me.  Currently Adelaide, Sth Australia is in the midst of a very rare November heatwave of which this is day #2.  Apparently there’s no relief in sight until maybe Sunday when the temp will dip to 29c (84f). Today it got up to 39c (102f) here at home and the next few days are forecasted to be more of the same.  We had a power outage during the day as well, so needless to say, I’m just sort of coasting along for the next several days.

Diabetes and extreme heat are not a good combination, but mostly I think it’s just common sense. Be sure to drink enough fluids to stay hydrated, do what you can to keep cool, etc. One thing that usually makes things a little more difficult is not feeling like eating because it’s just too hot.  It is one thing I’ll have to make sure to keep an eye on and maybe just have small light meals every few hours.  One of those little things that I’ve so far avoided is being squirted when testing my glucose.  I’ve discovered in the past that when it’s super hot I don’t really need to squeeze to get a drop of blood out and if I do I may well end up being squirted. This is because with drinking extra fluids plus the heat the blood is a bit thinner.

14 November is coming up very fast – it’s another red/blue letter day as it’s World Diabetes Day.  I think the Opera House in Sydney will be lit up in blue.  And @Ninjabetic has a secret he won’t reveal until the day.  Can’t wait to find out what his secret is!  @Ninjabetic is George, an awesome friend of mine in the DOC (Diabetes Online Community).

OK, so I’m just rambling here instead of writing any hard hitting informative post. Sorry about that!  My brain cooked itself hours ago!

Today marks a year since my cat adopted me.  I’m so glad he came into my life.  🙂

OK, I’m off to take a cold shower before bed to cool off.  I look forward to what others write today in their blogs, and I apologise this isn’t as interesting as I would have liked it to be. Sometimes we just cope. This is one of those days.  Coping is good though.  It’s better than the alternative!

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