TIFCU: The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users 3rd Edition

TIFCU: The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users 3rd Edition

Tifcu is my “claim to fame”. It’s a book I wrote in 1996, titled The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users (or Tifcu for short).  It was written back when the Internet was young and some of us were adventurous souls that used Commodore C64/128 computers to connect to the ‘Net.  Don’t laugh – people were using Windows V3.1 back then!

Some time ago, I discontinued the Commodore website that I’d had for many years, and my book page no longer had a home. Well, it does now. Last week I added all the info and table of contents here, but I’ve been working on a new store for our various items for sale and decided it has a better fit there as an information page. It makes sense since we sell PDF versions of the book in the store.


Learn more about TIFCU


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