World Vaping Day 2012 – Loving Having a Choice

Today (22 March 2012) is World Vaping Day. I’ve been thinking about all the choices we have available when we use e-cigarettes as opposed to smoking ‘analogues’ or tobacco cigarettes. I’ve made the choice to continue to have nicotine in my life, but choose to inhale safer vapor instead of the dangerous chemicals present in cigarette smoke. It’s a choice I’m proud of and one that’s improved my health.

When I smoked, I bought the same brand of cigarettes and only rarely deviated from it as doing so brought more hassle for me than it was worth. I might not like the taste, it might have less or more nicotine, etc etc. Yet with vaping (using electronic cigarettes and inhaling vapor instead of smoke) there’s no restrictions I place on myself. If I want to have a banana nut bread vape when I first wake up, I can do that. If I want something closer to tobacco and menthol, it’s at my fingertips. If I’m upset, I have some eliquid that’s slightly higher in nicotine available. If I’m at the computer writing and find myself chain-vaping, I have some nice flavours with a lower nicotine level so I don’t make myself ill.

There’s more to it than flavours and nicotine strength though. There are a myriad of devices (e-cig types) that we can own and use, and many different ways of putting the flavoured eliquid together with the e-cig such as the plastic refillable tanks that work with the 510 or Ego ‘T’ models, the newer Stardust tank/cartomizers, several brands and styles of cartomizers, or even cartridges which were the norm a few years ago.  It’s no wonder that people just looking into switching from cigarettes to electronic cigarettes get a bit overwhelmed. Yet it’s also this ability to go with circumstances or the whim of the moment that makes vaping so much more satisfying and yes I’ll say it – fun.

We have the choice to stick with only one flavour, one type of device or one type of cartomizer. We also have the choice to explore everything that’s available within our budget. Even with buying new devices or flavours it still comes out cheaper than smoking, and our nicotine addiction is abated while we choose to use a safer means of getting it into our systems.

Nicotine itself isn’t evil. There are many things it does for people that has benefits, such as helping prevent Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimers. It’s the method of how we get that nicotine that’s the key though. Smoking – the act of burning dried tobacco leaves and inhaling more than 4000 additional chemicals that are added to cigarettes is unhealthy. I made the choice to continue to have nicotine in my life but on my own terms.

The vapor inhaled with e-cigarettes contains liquid nicotine, Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG)   and the same flavouring as that used in food flavouring. Aside from the flavour it’s the same compounds that are used in fog machines at concerts, which have been in use for many many years. I strongly believe that less additives must be better for my health and lungs. I used to smoke about 40 cigarettes a day or more and had a deep, persistent cough. I’ve been off the cigarettes and have been vaping exclusively for three months now. I no longer have a cough. I can take deeper breaths. My voice is less gravely, and I feel so much better.

So today I’m celebrating all the choices available to me as someone who uses electronic cigarettes and vapes instead of smoking. I know I made the right choice for myself and I love being able to choose what suits me at any given time. This post was written while vaping 3 different e-cigs, each with different flavours, at 18mg.  No lighters were flicked, nor ashtrays sullied during the course of writing this blog post!

Links to more information: (AVF) Forum 
Electronic Cigarette Forum (ECF) 
ATACA – Australian Tobacco Alternatives Consumer Association
ATACA Educational Flyer (Trifold – double sided optional) 

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