Cartos and Drip Tips

The other day I wrote about my initial experiences with vaping and wrote about the fact I had so many problems with the 510-T e-cig leaking. I said I’d have to retire them from use entirely due to the problem.

I’ve done some further investigating and have found that instead of using the little tank cartridges I can use a cartomiser instead. This is a two-in-one thingy. The 510-T (and most e-cigs) has 3 parts to it – the battery which is the bottom section that also has the silly little red light that comes on when you take a puff, an atomiser, which is the part that heats up the liquid and makes the vapour, and the tank cartridge that holds the liquid. A cartomiser combines the cartridge and atomiser into one unit and apparently does a nicer job of making vapour as well as being less prone to leakage. While they’re disposable, you can also reuse them several times over, and they’re fairly cheap too – under $2 for each one. As well, the same cartomiser will fit on my Ego unit so that’s a bit of a double score. I’ve ordered a few of these and look forward to trying them out.

I also ordered something called a ‘drip tip’ which can either be used on its own above an atomiser or used above a carto (the shortened term for cartomiser). You drip about 3 drops of liquid into it which goes into the atomiser and this lets you have a more direct vape, as well as making it easy to try out various flavour liquid without having to use a great deal of it in a cartridge or carto. It too was under $2 and will be interesting to check out.

I’m so glad I don’t have to retire the little 510s. I really do think they’ll be nice for any vapes I have that are just for fun – such as the various dessert flavoured liquids and such.

I watched a few videos on YouTube to learn how cartos and drip tips are used. YouTube is excellent for learning about this stuff as you can see the exact steps to take and it’s sort of like having someone right with you to show you how things are done. I’ve watched more videos on YouTube since discovering vaping than I’ve ever watched in the last 5 years!

On another bright note, my other half has taken to carrying around his Ego in his pocket and has mentioned more than once how much he really likes it. Yay!

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