Celebrating 3 Months Vaping

I haven’t had a cigarette in 3 months, and it hasn’t been anything near as difficult as other times I’ve quit smoking. So I’m celebrating by making us a nice dinner tonight and reminiscing about how far I’ve come since I started vaping 5 months ago.

In the three months since I switched to vaping full time, I had two times that were a little hard. The first time was when I came home and we had friends visiting who were outside smoking.  What finally killed the craving for me was sitting down with a dripping atomiser and dripping some of my favourite ‘most like a cigarette to me’ e-juice. Dripping will often give me that satisfied feeling faster than anything else and normally I don’t need that, but this time I did.  After that, I made up a small batch of extra strong juice – 24mg Nic when normally I vape 18mg.  I did this so it would be available if I needed something extra. That day came on 3rd February when a very dear friend of mine passed away. She’d come back and kill me if I had the cigarette I was craving so I pulled out the stronger juice and that got me through the next few days.

Looking around my desk, it’s easy to tell I’m a vaper. There are four PVs with assorted tanks and cartomizers attached to them, a couple bottles of e-juice I’m testing. a bag of tiny coloured rubber bands I use to mark my cartomizers so I know what flavour it is, a bag of silicone end caps to use for filling up cartos and a folded up paper towel to wipe up any drips.

One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed is when I first started vaping, I could fill a Boge carto and have it last me most of a day before it needed filled. Now I only use them for testing and can empty one in an hour or two. If it takes me any longer than that, I know it’s not a flavour that I really like.  Most of my favourite juices are now in SmokTech 3ml tanks as I’ve found these to be so much easier to deal with – I only need to fill them every other day or so and find refilling them easier than filling cartos.  At one time I thought having 10ml of juice was quite a lot. Now I tend to make up my favourite juices in 30ml batches and think I’m getting a bit low when it’s down to about 10ml.

When I started out, I mainly vaped just menthol, then switched to tobacco flavours with menthol added, and now have an assortment of all types of different flavours. I’ve been surprised to find that one of my favourites is ‘Cold Pressed Lime’ which is a concentrate that I make up at 10%. It has a nice taste and a great throat hit. I also like Cherry, Citrus, Lemon, and for awhile was on a Vanilla kick but that’s waned in the last few weeks with the tart fruits and mellow tobaccos more in use. I’ve also found that my tastes do change from day to day. Sometimes I want something sweet, other times I prefer tart or even back to menthol again. That’s something you can never really have with smoking – variety.

It’s time for me to make our tea – I’m making coconut curry prawns – which I haven’t had since before I quit smoking so they’re sure to be tasty now I have my sense of smell and taste back.  Thanks for stopping by!


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