Not the best of days…

I didn’t sleep well at all last night. Then I woke up with night sweats necessitating a shower and changing my pillow cases. So then I was awake and tweeting at 5 or 6am. I did finally fall back to sleep but that caused me to be 15min late for my CT Scan. The scan was of my abdomen as I have some weird pain on the upper right hand side they want to look into.

I was a bit of a mess. Hobbling into the place with my sore foot and using my walking stick. Sore foot? I twisted my ankle on my walk yesterday. Well that or the arthritis turned the foot sideways and now it’s unhappy. Probably the later. Anyway, I’m hobbling.

I was given a litre or so of water to drink in the waiting room and after I’d poured a cup, I had a sudden sneeze. The water in my other hand splashed all over my pants and shirt. So not only did I hobble, need a walking stick, have horrible high water sweat-pants on, but now I also had wet spots.

While I was sitting there, a woman started screaming over and over again. I finally clued up on the fact it was me. Well not ME, but my new phone. It was in my pocket and telling me it was time to wake up.   I’d say it wins on volume, which was something I was worried about as my Nokia has always been excellently LOUD as a wake up alarm. It was really embarrassing seeing all these people looking so startled at me. (Hey. I wanted something that would WAKE me up, not be pleasant!) That and I never think anyone else is ever going to hear my alarms anyway. Then, two seconds or so later my other phone in my other pocket starting singing Huey Lewis’ “I want a new drug“, which is/was my wake up song for my old phone. I managed to shut it off before it got to the ‘drug’ part. Ugh. The only reason I had two phones on me was because I was waiting for the iPhone to be activated and I would need to ring Rod to come pick me up when the test was over.

Once in the CT Scan room the first try at finding a vein suitable to put the dye into failed. She found it, stuck it, and then the vein disappeared. It does that. They can only use my left arm for these things and the chemo I had 9yrs ago pretty much destroyed all the good veins I had on that side. So it’s a challenge.  The tech opted to wait until the doctor came in and let her do it. (Here in Oz, doctors actually DO blood draws and needle sticks – and they’re very skilled at it). She was funny. She commented, ‘Did you forget to bring your veins with you today? Maybe you should go home and get them.’ LOL. Have heard plenty of jokes about not having enough blood but that was a new one for me. She did finally get a good spot and it was nearly too good. I leaked red stuff all over their floor. Then when they gave me the dye some of that leaked too but luckily onto the floor and not inside of me – which would have been painful. Aside from a few pokes, nothing today was painful in regards to the scan at least.

Once home, I had something to eat and gave SMSPup a second call for the day (my 3rd for the last 24hrs) and was a bit more forceful in getting across it’s been nearly 24hrs and my phone should be activated, darn it, and what if it’s not done by 6pm, would I be stuck without a phone all weekend? That must have done something because they rang back within 10 minutes to let me know it’d be done in the next few minutes, which it was.

With the scan behind me and my new phone functional, I turned my sights to the next most important thing – getting a good nap in. I had a sleep-deprived headache and just wanted to get a couple hours nap. Fortunately Rod chose to go do stuff on the computer so I was able to sleep without his snoring… meaning, I actually got some rest.  Hopefully tonight I’ll get a good night’s sleep, which is where I’m heading now.  Cheers & G’night!

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