Long Day

My butt is dragging tonight. I am so tired. It’s just been a very long day. I had a pre-admissions appt this afternoon and once finished with that, I had a purse-pocket full of errands to run. I had Rod drop me off at the shopping centre. I mailed a couple letters, picked up some things at Coles, bought a crossword scratchy, stopped at the GP’s office and made an appt for later in the day, walked to the bank (which is on the way home) and discovered that the bank deposit envelope which had been in my purse pocket wasn’t there. 

Crud. I’d have to backtrack all my steps and hope I found it. I was hungry, thirsty, tired and the bag of groceries I was carrying seemed so heavy. (It doesn’t help I can’t take my normal arthritis medication until after the surgery so I’m feeling every ache so much more acutely at the moment). 

I rang Rod, told him my problem and asked him to come pick up the groceries from me so I could carry on with my search. He drove up and told me the hospital called and I needed to go back for something. 

We went back to Noarlunga Hospital (a 15 minute drive) where I had an EKG they forgot to do earlier.  I would have had to have a blood test too, but turned out they’d already done the required tests on Tuesday. I still had to walk the length of the hospital to find that out though and I’m still hobbling and sore as it is.

Once done, I had Rod drop me at Coles again but wait for me in the parking lot because I wasn’t in the mood to walk home again and I knew I needed to eat something soon.

Fortunately Coles was my first stop in the search of the missing bank deposit envelope and that’s where it was. It had been found on the floor in front of the checkout I’d gone through and had been turned in to the front desk. PHEW. 

So off home where I made a cuppa soup with some ramen noodles, had a cuppa coffee and then walked back up to the GP’s office for my appointment. I came an hour after my appt time as I’d been told she was running an hour late. I still had to wait for another hour. It wasn’t a complete waste of time though as I managed to get almost all of the list of words / abbreviations into TextExpander on the iPhone so that was actually extremely productive. It’s the type of thing that actually required about an hour of time that under most circumstances I wouldn’t get around to doing. I only have 10 words to do now and that will probably get done in the next day or two.

I needed some prescriptions repeated so that I would have the scripts to show the staff at the hospital that they are prescribed for me so I can have them after the surgery. I normally do a weekly pill box thing and so was missing a few boxes that go with the drugs I take. So my appt with the GP was just a quick one to grab these scripts, get a print out of my blood tests from Tuesday and off I’d go. 

Turns out some of my tests required a bit of a chat. My sodium is low. Wow, that’s neat. Really, considering the arthritis and the lymphedema I have, having my sodium level be low isn’t entirely a bad thing. Was just rather surprising. I’m also slightly anaemic and had a higher hba1c (7.7) as well as a higher triglyceride test. She put me on another cholesterol pill for that and said a month after the surgery if my glucose readings are still high, she’ll increase my medication. Gee that 7.7 is a far cry from the 6.2 I had in April. Sigh. 

I had Rod pick me up at the chemists and suggested he go to KFC for himself but I’d still make the chicken thighs I’d planned to cook for my tea mainly because there’s probably not anything on their menu that’s fat free. He decided he’d eat healthy with me. Yay. We didn’t even have tea until after 8pm but it was very healthy, low fat and yummy. Chicken thighs grilled with a homemade honey mustard sauce, a salad and some noodles for me and a microwaved potato for Rod. Once we finished tea and watching the news (pre-recorded) it was nearing 10pm and I hadn’t even sat down at the computer yet. 

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