Highlights for the Week of 18-24th March 2019

Christies Beach, SA 20 March 2019

Monday, March 18, 2019

I have an old rowing machine and I’ve been working at using it more but it has issues. (Like you come to dead stop mid-stroke). So I’ve been looking online for a new one and researching types and all that. I found one that’s very similar to the Concept2 but at a lower price PLUS it’s a floor model so the price was further reduced. However, being a floor model – and local – it’ll be delivered fully assembled. It should be here sometime this week and I’m REALLY looking forward to it! So that was my highlight for today.
Hope you’re having a great day too! Get out there and move! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Believe it or not, the highlight of my day was receiving my electricity bill. Several years ago it could get quite high in the summertime because of running our air conditioner. We’ve had a few heatwaves, but for the most part, I’ve been able to turn off the cooler at night and open the windows as it’s been cooling down at night a lot. And sometimes there’s a follow on where the house stays cool throughout the day because it got cooled down overnight and then I close the windows in the morning. A few years back we also got solar panels installed and since then we tend to only run the air conditioner during the day when we’re not actually getting billed for it. 

Well. My bill today was only $74.25 — there were a lot of discounts for various things that helped quite a bit, but … about 5 years ago our average summer electricity bill was about $900. Talk about a difference! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

When I didn’t go to the beach last Sunday I promised myself I’d go sometime during the week. My mother taught me to ALWAYS keep your promises. And to be careful what you DO promise because sometimes that can backfire… Like she promised my older siblings ‘a picnic on Saturday’ when it turned out to be pouring rain that day. She still kept the promise. They had a picnic in the living room. 

Anyway, I had to see my GP and had her last appointment which let us have a good chat, dropped the prescriptions off and headed to the beach in time to see the last of the sunset. I breathed in the sea air and released all the tensions of the day. It was so lovely aside from the fact I was dressed for the weather this afternoon, not this evening! I was a bit chilled. I then went across the esplanade to the Chinese restaurant and ordered a meal for take-away. It was a lovely end to my day and I’m so glad I went. 

Christies Beach, SA 20 March 2019
Christies Beach, SA 20 March 2019

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Yesterday afternoon a friend and I got dressed up a bit and took ourselves out to see a movie and then we stopped at a place called Churros and each had a treat. It was a great way to have ‘date’ night without an actual date. Loved it! 

Today I took another walk at the beach, but it was really windy and cloudy. That was good fun too. It wasn’t a day to walk by the water and have a chat with anyone, because the wind and the surf were both so loud, but it could have been raining and I’d of still enjoyed it! 
Windy day at Christies Beach, 24 March 2018
Windy day at Christies Beach, 24 March 2018

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