A Date with my Hubby

What’s better than dinner and a movie with one’s hubby? Talking hubby into returning the cans and bottles to the recycling centre to pay for our date! In Michigan, you just take your recycled cans and bottles to the grocery store, but here, they tend to accumulate a bit because you take them to a recycling centre instead. This worked to our advantage though as awhile back they changed the amount you get back from 5c an item to 10c, and it was retro-active. So we got twice as much back and had enough to cover 90% of our date. So I got the car port tidied up a bit, and had a great time out without feeling guilty that we were blowing the budget. I love it!

We went to see Star Trek (naturally!) in a Vmax theatre at Marion. Apparently this is the only Vmax theatre in South Australia… here’s a link: http://www.greaterunion.com.au/cinemas/VMax.asp Not only was the screen huge, but the seats were absolutely comfy with tons of leg room and a little table for the popcorn between our seats with cup holders on the other side. The movie? Oh, it was really probably the best Star Trek movie so far. I’d see it again if it didn’t cost a small fortune. It’s one to see more than once – the first time for gobbling up the story … the second and subsequent ones for really viewing the amazing effects, images and other background stuff. I never once shifted in my seat and looked at the time wondering when it would be over. I kept hoping it wouldn’t finish. 🙂

Dinner was at Fresh Choice and after this morning’s weigh-in I’m thinking it wasn’t such a good choice after all. Sigh. But it was very enjoyable and we had a lovely corner table where we could eat and see the poor smeg’s outside waiting to get in. Fishbowl effect? Well, yeah, but I don’t mind if I’m enjoying myself. LOL.

I’m currently trying out new virtual machine software named ‘Virtualbox’ which is much nicer and faster than VMWare which is similar. Problem is, I can’t seem to get Virtualbox to see or make use of my serial port (/dev/ttyS0) and I need that to use Windows software to read my glucose meter. VMWare on this computer has no problem at all using the serial port, so there’s nothing wrong with the port itself or any set ups on my Ubuntu computer. So that narrows it down to Virtualbox, but for the life of me, I swear I’ve tried every option possible. I’m out of ideas on it. Frustrating, because I’d like to give VMware the ol’ heave-ho because it’s so slow in comparison to the other. And it requires me to use a slightly older kernal version. :-/ I dunno. Ideas to try are certainly welcome.

I’m trying out a new Todo list manager that’s on the web. It’s named ‘Remember The Milk’ and so far I’m doing fairly well with it. If you notice, I am caught up on the health diary entries, glucose stats and here I am writing a blog entry. Not bad for one day. LOL. Here’s the link: http://www.rememberthemilk.com/

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