Misc Catch Up

Found out a friend of mine very likely has lung cancer, metastasised from her original breast cancer. This breaks my heart. I just can’t put into words how I feel.

Had lunch with the Lunch Group yesterday at Middleton Tavern and did all the driving for the day (about 2 and a half hours worth).

Learning to cope with Sjogren’s by using lubricants 3 or 4 times a day. Hand cream, Eye drops, Nose rinse, mouth lubricant (did you even know there was such a thing? It’s called Biotene Gel), etc. Staying on top of things before letting any area get dry seems to help.

Rod and I both took unintentional naps today. We drifted to sleep watching TV after we had our breakfast.

Tomorrow is a public holiday – Queens Birthday – which made today’s lack of doing anything useful tolerable – after all it’s a holiday weekend. What better time is there to slack off and relax a bit?

I’m still heart broken over my friend. She’s been through hell. Her arsehole ex-husband left her after she recovered from breast cancer treatment with the excuse ‘I just couldn’t handle it if she gets cancer again.’ Now she’s alone, and going through more bullcrap. Sigh. I bet he STILL can’t handle it and by god, I hope when he finds out, the guilt hits him where he feels it most. Selfish sonofa… Oh, I’ll leave it there. I could write heaps about this though. Burns me up.

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11Feb23 Lunch Group at the Mt Compass Hotel.  This was the Fish Platter and I couldn't finish it.  I took what was left home and had it for my dinner.  It was really good.  I even took Per's salt & pepper calamari home too!  We plan to return as everything was lovely - the food AND the service.  @MtCompassHotel #2023pad #lunchgroup #lunch #MtCompass #mtcompasstavern #fishplatter
10Feb23 My Pink Tigger!  The pink is from my nightlight, which makes everything pink when it's bright when I first come to bed and it slowly fades to very dim through the night.  But isn't GaliLEO so cute stretched out and about as conked out as you can get?  #2023pad #catsofinstagram #pinkcat #sleepingcatsofinstagram
9Feb23  I thought I had possibly broke my arm, so got a ride to the hospital to get it x-rayed.  It wasn't broke (phew!), but it was badly sprained.  The day before I had, for 10 full minutes, stood at my boxing bag and beat the heck out of it.  That didn't help - so I had muscle soreness from that, but then I was carrying a water reservoir from my dryer and bumped into a wall, wobbled or otherwise was carrying it awkwardly, and that's when it started really hurting.  The dryer is self contained (no vents), so I have to drain the water that it removed from the clothes, when I'm done washing for the week.  #arm #fracture #hospital #sprain #2023pad #dryer #wobble
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