Lots of News!

Audette is here!

I have a new Granddaughter!  My first and ONLY Granddaughter at that!  Her name is Audette Irean Gaelyne Andersen (yes she has my name as one of her middle names), and she was born on 15 January 2010 at 10:25am. She weighed 7lbs, 2oz and is the cutest baby girl EVER.  Biased? ME?  Nah! 

Terry, Ricky and Audette
Terry, Ricky and Audette

In the first photo is Audette of course.

The next photo is my son Terrance, his son Ricky, and his newborn daughter Audette.  What a beautiful piccy. I love how Ricky is checking out his little sister!


New Keyboard

Definitely not on the same scale as the news of my granddaughter, I have a new keyboard…

What’s odd is I remember writing about how thrilled I was to stumble into a great deal on the keyboard of my dreams and how ordering it was the highlight of my day, but it’s certainly not in my blog so I wonder where I wrote about it?

Last week Catch of the Day just happened to have the Logitech diNovo keyboard on sale at about 1/3 of it’s original cost so I snapped one up for myself. Not long after I bought my laptop I’d researched keyboards for my regular PC as I loved the soft keys on my laptop and wanted the same for my computer. One of the ones I saw was recommended a lot was the diNovo but the price tag was over what I’d be willing to spend (about $175 – OUCH!). So when I saw it on sale for $50, I jumped. Well, it arrived today and I’m using it to write this blog. It is so quiet. It’s nice not having to hear the keys as I write. Now if I could only get Rod to use a quieter keyboard… I can hear him typing in the office all the way from the bedroom.  Not only is this quiet, it’s also got a nice feel to the keys (like a texture), and it’s wireless.  So now both my keyboard and mouse have no wires. Joy!  

The real surprise for me was that I plugged in the USB thingy for it and fully expected I’d have to reboot my computer at least, but no need – my Ubuntu Karmic Koala system recognised the new USB keyboard and that was it. Even the media keys and calculator keys worked first go with it.  I did have to do some extra bits to get my music player’s main keys to work with the media keys but that’s not something related to the keyboard – it wasn’t working with my previous keyboard either. This is because I prefer to use Amarok for music, which is KDE based while my actual window manager is Gnome. However, I got that sorted out tonight too.

A Nerve Root Block

In other news, last Friday I had an appt with the rhuematologist at the Repat. We had a good discussion and next Monday I’ll be having something called a ‘Nerve Root Sleeve Block’ done on my left S1 in my spine, which should make a difference for the sciatica I’ve been dealing with.  The worst that can happen, I’m told, is that it won’t work. I asked how this is different from the other that I had in November and it’s a totally different approach. The injection I had in November was in the facet of the joint rather than the nerve sleeve which is the most affected area. It’s not a permanent fix but should allow time for things to settle down with it.  Generally during the day I’m doing OK with it, but if I walk any distance, it’s quite painful and of course sleeping and staying asleep have been an issue for months now with this – it’s no way to start the day, that’s for sure. Anyway, I’ll have this done and hopefully it will help a lot. If not well, at least it’s been tried. 

One of the problems for me (and the rhuematologist) is that it’s hard to discern what pain I’m having from bursitis in both hips versus the sciatica.

My brother’s on Facebook!

My brother Steve has signed up on Facebook – he’s been uploading family photos which is so awesome. Many he’s shared I have either never seen or haven’t seen in many many years.  My oldest sis is also on FB, and hopefully my two other siblings will join too. It’d be really nice to be able to share stuff so easily.


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