Boxing Day & Solitaire Blitz Boosts

Hey there! Happy Boxing Day!  We had a nice Christmas.  I gave Rod a Samsung Galaxy Tablet – a 7inch job. He’s still finding his way around with it but so far seems happy with it.  He gave me a gorgeous jewelry box that looks like it belongs in a D&D setting. I’ve never had a full sized jewelry box before and honestly, this is the first one I’ve ever seen that really suits the person that is me.  Santa also snuck a speaker tower into the house and put it by the tree after we went to bed.  This uses bluetooth so I can just start music on my phone and away it goes. The speaker is so much better than what I had in mind to go with my phone for music.  It has a built in radio, can charge my phone, and as it’s bluetooth I can connect the computer, iPad, Rod’s computer, or his tablet to it so it’s very versatile.  It was a big surprise, but a really nice one!

But I’m not really here to talk about Christmas.  As many of you who know me on Facebook are aware, I quite enjoy a few different Bingo games and Solitaire Blitz. Although to be honest, I haven’t been too happy with Solitaire Blitz since they changed the format over about a month ago. I still play it though as nothing better that’s similar has come along.

The other day I noticed something I had never seen before and thought I’d mention it in case others might be interested too.

When you go to select your boosters, have you ever noticed the little triangles on the bottom of the screen?  I thought they were decorations, but then one was lit up so I clicked on it and discovered I had a bunch of free Jokers to use that I didn’t know existed.  Here’s what the triangles and  the second page (if there is one) looks like:

Selection_008 Selection_009

If you’re a Solitaire Blitz, Bingo or Bejeweled player on Facebook, feel free to add me – the more the merrier.  Leave a note though so I know who you are and what you play. Otherwise I might not realise why you’ve requested the add.

I know I don’t normally write about Facebook games, but it crossed my mind and I thought I’d share.  Cheers until next time!


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