Highlights for the Week of 3-9th March 2019

Christies Beach Sunset

I’m a member of SparkPeople, and Chris, the founder and CEO, has come up a neat way to add a bit more ‘spark’ to ones day, and not only have I embraced it, I’ve found it useful and I only just started.  The idea is to write about the highlight(s) from your day.  It starts you off mindful to keep on the look out for the best part of your day. It’s also an exercise in journalling that doesn’t take long. It’s a ‘starter’.  There are other reasons it’s awesome but you can read about it on his original blog post

I’m copying my daily little highlight entries from my SparkPeople blog to my own website. 

Highlights from the Week

Sunday, March 03, 2019

My highlight today was my weekly Sunday walk at the beach. I got some great photos, some much needed cooler air and I’d already reached my step goal so the extra half hour of walking was just a bonus. OH, and the sunset was gorgeous!

Christies Beach Sunset

Monday, March 04, 2019

I had two highlights today. The first was that I watched a few videos on how to use a rowing machine properly. The last several times I’ve used it my knees hurt during and afterwards – and that’s not supposed to happen so I figured I was doing something wrong. So once I had a good video with good clear instructions on how to practice the right way to do things, I put the same videos on in the gym and had it cast to my TV so I could do and see at the same time. I spent about 10 minutes with it and was not in pain at all, and I never had my other usual problem of my feet trying to escape the straps either. I got some good cardio and feel like I should probably do more of the same practice so it stays with me.

My second highlight has me buzzing because I made a business decision on my own and followed it through the whole way and now my clients have MUCH faster loading times for their websites. The big deal part of this is.. and this is sad – I haven’t found a way to write about it here, but my husband and business partner, the smart guy who knows all about networking… wasn’t here to help me out because he passed away from lung cancer in late November. I’m still piecing my life back together. But today I managed a server upgrade like I knew what the heck I was doing (which I do, but it was always good to work together on these things and talk about them beforehand). I miss him dearly, but I’m proud to have set this in motion and followed it through successfully.

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

The highlight of my day was seeing a little tiny 2×2 inch photo of my parents stepping out of the church they were just married in. It’s the only photo I know of from the day they married. They look so happy! Sadly it didn’t last ‘forever’, but they had 5 kids together and mostly stayed on good terms. My Aunt is the one who took the photo. She was a teenager and snuck away from home to go to the wedding (my Grandparents on my Dad’s side were so against the wedding that they weren’t going to it). My aunt remembers my mother chided her for attending a church wearing jeans. A few years later, my aunt married a minister!

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Today I took a few minutes to go over to a nearby park and have a walk in the fresh air. I’m so glad I did – I came home more energised and in a better frame of mind even though I wasn’t in a bad mood beforehand, I just felt BETTER for having been outside and amongst the trees.

Thursday, March 07, 2019

I did 45 minutes of gym, then some laundry today. When I finished hanging clothes out to dry I took a few minutes and moved a few empty boxes from the patio around back to the recycle bin. Then I trimmed back a pear branch and put the branches in the green waste bin. It was overhanging the sidewalk. I didn’t mind ducking when it had pears on it, but the pears are long gone so it was time to take care of it. They were only minor things, but if I do enough minor things often enough, eventually the patio will look better and I’ll feel better about it. So I did some little things that made me feel like I was working towards something positive.

Friday, March 08, 2019

My highlight today was my weekly Sunday walk at the beach. I got some great photos, some much needed cooler air and I’d already reached my step goal so the extra half hour of walking was just a bonus. OH, and the sunset was gorgeous!
I was able to loan/give my late husband’s best friend my old phone as his had been dropped way too many times and had quit working. The old phone I gave him, I’ve not used in 2yrs so if it gets dropped, broken, etc it’s no big deal. Happy to help out a friend.

Also. I just glanced outside and wow, what a beautiful sunset. Glad I noticed it!

Beautiful Sunset

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