Organising and Consolidating

I’ve spent the last week trying various blends of tobacco flavoured e-juice as well as having a go at organising and consolidating my ever growing collection of various flavoured juices.  I couldn’t resist creating a database of the flavours, types and amount of nicotine. (Yes, I’m a geeky lady!)  It’s actually proven to be very useful. Rather than digging through bottles of juice, I’m able to objectively look at the list in the database and see what I have and decide what to do with it.

There were several bottles of nicotine juice, all in different strengths, left over remnants from my initial trials in finding what nicotine strength works for me. Many of my first tests used menthol as the flavouring so there were a number of these too. I found a website that has just about every e-juice related calculator tool conceivable. One of it’s calculators proved really useful to me in consolidating both my nicotine menthol mixes into larger batches of 18mg strength.

Once finished with that project I was then able to adjust the tobacco flavours that I’d mixed with too high nicotine down to a level that my body can deal with by adding a bit of menthol. The combining calculator proved really useful for this as well.  So there are no more ‘orphan’ bottles of too strong e-juice that can’t be vaped in my kit and no more looking at these in frustration of previous mistakes.   The website with the calculators is at: and I highly recommend it. Very useful tools.

In my last blog I wrote about trying a tobacco flavour named VK4. This is the only flavour I’ve totally finished. It has a fantastic carmel and vanilla taste to it without being overly sweet.  At the start of the week I was out of it and really missing it. It was truly something I could vape all day long. I was lamenting being out of it on Twitter when it was suggested to me I just buy more. The problem was Vape King was out of stock.  As this blend is based on a popular tobacco flavour named ‘RY4’ which has a rich history, I thought maybe I could find it by this name from an Aussie vendor. I was surprised to only find one vendor selling it, but this could be because they gave their blends other names as Vape King did with their VK4.  I ordered from VapeBar and had their RY4 a couple days later. I wasn’t as enamoured with it as I had been with the VK4, but it certainly helped me make it through the week.

Near the end of the week, Vape King let me know that their blend was back in stock and they also announced on AussieVapers that they had a new line available – concentrates for people who enjoy DIY mixing of flavours.  Awesome. I did use SOME self restraint and held off ordering until Sunday! I bought 30ml of the lovely yummy caramel VK4 doubler – that should hold me for awhile, I hope. From the list of concentrates I picked out apple, lemon, caramel and unflavoured tobacco.

The fruit flavours are because after vaping the tobacco flavours for awhile I’ve found I sometimes need a change of taste for a bit and the fruit flavours really seem quite nice then.  The caramel should be helpful for improving the other RY4 tobacco. It might also be interesting to make a blend of caramel and apple for a caramel apple flavour. Yum. And sugar free!  The unflavoured tobacco can be used for creating my own mixes. It’s more for future need rather than current stuff.

I also ordered a couple of ‘Fuss Free Mixers’. These come in 10ml bottles with 5ml of doubler flavour so all I have to do is add 5ml nic juice and it’s ready to go.  I opted for ‘Apple Pie’ and ‘NRG Drink’.  The NRG drink has guava and caffeine in it so that should be interesting to try.  It might be the perfect morning vape!

Speaking of morning vapes, I’m still working on the not actually smoking thing. I have had some really good days where I’ve had maybe 5 smokes all day.  I’ve also had days where I kinda lost count and didn’t do as well. @BlacksmithPro on Twitter reminded me, “You’re doing great, at your own pace and if and when you’re ready, you need not feel any pressure :)”    I really can’t tell you how helpful I found that.

In response to someone else who’s still smoking but new to vaping on the AussieVapers forum, Sik wrote “lots of people don’t switch straight away. I know of a few people who very gradually cut out the “key” smokes over a period of months till they actually preferred to vape. Theres no reason to feel guilty about it. Just take it at your own pace. One of the good things about vaping you can make the therapy fit you rather than you having to fit the therapy.”  Aren’t these folks – and the concepts they put across – absolutely wonderful?!  It’s so refreshing to feel that I’m striving for something at my own pace – and with this kind of support I know I’ll get there.

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